Write Upon My Heart: Patience Character Book


If I am short of temper,
If I want things right now, my way,
If I quickly snap at people,
If my tongue is sharper than a knife,
I know nothing yet of patience.

All of us want people to be patient with us. Patient people are kind, understanding, accepting, merciful, and loving. When we make honest mistakes, they never scold or criticize. When we fail, they never make us feel badly. When we get out-of-sorts, they seem to understand and overlook our shortcomings. Patient people just seem to know all about us, and love us just the same as if we were perfect.

Since patience is such a wonderful virtue, and we want people to have patience with us, should we not strive to develop patience and be patient with all those around us? And, even more, did you know God’s Word exhorts us many times to have patience?

As we do this study on patience, we will find that there is only one thing that keeps us from acting patiently, and that is our self. So, let us patiently begin this study to learn just how we can develop patience.

This character booklet contains:
  • Scriptures regarding the trait to be learned
  • Bible examples of the trait
  • How Jesus lived the trait in His earthly life
  • Practical lessons on the trait
  • Instructions in developing the trait
  • Stories centering on the trait
  • Poems involving the trait
  • Practical applications and more!
  • Plus a thirty-day journal to schedule and record one’s progress

[Softcover, 64-69 pages, 17cm x 20cm]

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