Busy Bees Series: 2. Another Hive of Bees


Narratives and prayer poems by Beverley Soderholm, grandma's stories by others.

In the past sixty years, these all-time favourites have been handed from parent to child to grandchild. Christ-honouring and character-building stories for children ages 5-10.

Danny and Debbie, like their cousins, decide they want to spend some vacation time on the farm with their grandparents. For these two children, who have only known city life, each day presents exciting opportunities for them to experience new situations - especially the first day, when they encounter a hive of angry bees. Grandma develops a new series of character lessons for their BEE STORY each evening.

Excellent stories. Great for reading aloud to the children.

A few chapter titles...
  • He Knew His Master's Voice (Bee Loyal)
  • The Trick that Boomeranged! (Bee Truthful)
  • A Lesson He Never Forgot (Bee Orderly)
  • A Difficult Decision (Bee Consecrated)
  • Learning the Hard Way (Bee Teachable)
  • A Picnic at the Zoo (Bee Content)
[Softcover, 190 pages, 14cm x 21.5cm]

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