Pam Forster Age: 2-12
The Fifth Commandment for Little OnesHelp teach your little ones to
obey! Simple drawings combine with questions and Bible verses to teach
young children the meaning of the 5th Commandment, “Honour thy father
and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD
thy God giveth thee.”
This book is patterned after For This Is Right, Doorpost's book on the 5th Commandment for older children, but it is designed
for younger children under age 12. Simple questions help little ones evaluate their
obedience, and each question is followed by a Bible verse that instructs
the child in that area of obedience. Simple line drawings aid
children’s understanding, and are suitable for coloring (and are
reproducible for your own family’s use).
Scripture quotations are taken
primarily from the ESV.
[Spiral bound, 80 pages,
14cm x 21.5cm]