Pam Forster Age: 2-Adult.
A TOPICAL REFERENCE GUIDE FOR BIBLICAL CHILD-TRAININGThis book will help you use the Bible every time you discipline your children!
For Instruction in Righteousness is a topical Bible for parents. It includes hundreds of verses on over 50 areas of sin.
But it is more than just a topical Bible! Each chapter includes:
- What the Bible says will, or should, happen to a person who sins in this way
- Ideas for discipline that parallel these Biblical consequences
- What the Bible likens a person to when he indulges in this sin, and ideas for practical objects lessons using these examples
- How God blesses the person who resists temptations to this sort of sin
- Parallel ideas for “rewards” and encouragement for children who show progress towards overcoming this sin
- Stories and people in the Bible that illustrate obedience and disobedience in this area
- Fully quoted memory verses
- Useful for all ages
[Spiral bound, 314 pages, 22cm x 28cm]