Buying a home debt-free can seem like a daunting proposition, but in Buying a House Debt-Free: Equipping Your Son, Steve and Teri share how simple it really is. Learn how to make a dream a reality.
In today’s unstable economy, being under the ball and chain of debt can weigh heavily upon a family. Imagine your son entering married life with a debt-free home.
Having three sons who purchased homes debt-free, Steve and Teri have a wealth of practical experience to share. In addition, you will be inspired as you read about seven other young men who bought their homes debt-free before they were 30.
If you have sons approaching the teen years or even younger, you want to read this book now. Whether your son is 6 or 16, Buying a House Debt-Free will provide motivation, encouragement, and practical suggestions from the beginning of the process all the way to your son’s first home purchase. While this book is targeted at young men, our daughters will certainly benefit from learning marketable skills. They can utilize them while still at home and in a husband’s business should they marry.
Buying a House Debt-Free can equip you to help your son: Be different! Be debt-free! Be a homeowner with no mortgage before he is 30!
"I believe this book could have a tremendous impact on the future of countless young men who will pursue the goal of owning a debt-free home. I think every family should read this book, and I encourage you to catch the vision for your sons." Jim Bob Duggar, of TLC's 19 and Counting.
"While the millennial generation is the most unproductive, most immature, and most narcissistic generation (per the liberal media), Christian families are attempting something different. Families need vision, especially when it comes to raising boys. That is why the Maxwells' new book is so important. What a stark contrast between a young man who has paid off a house at 22 and the average millennial!" Kevin Swanson, Host, Generations Radio.
"I am very impressed with the vision the Maxwells are casting for young men. This book has the potential to make a significant impact on the next generation. I want my grandsons to read this. The stories given are worth the price of the book." Dr. S.M. Davis, Solve Family Problem.