Victory Over Worry & Evil Thoughts Verse Pack


Why is it that people can attend church, revivals, Bible conferences, seminars, and retreats, and never change? They hear wise men deliver great and true messages. They want to change, they resolve to change, but never do.

How is it that people can buy good and helpful books, tapes, courses, and materials and still not change? The problem is not with the meetings, the men, the message, or the materials; the problem lies in the mind and heart of the person wanting to change….If we want to change, we must change our thinking.

Memorizing Scripture is the fastest, easiest way to change. The more you memorize, review, and meditate, the faster the Holy Spirit will perform the work of changing you. Since we become what we think about most, it is expedient to memorize Scripture, thereby allowing the Holy Spirit to change us into the person we ought to be. These special verse packs provide help in key areas of life. Each booklet includes instructions, memory verse cards, and testimonies.

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