THIS ITEM IS AVAILABLE FROMLight Educational Ministries in ACT at: product code for this item is: 31917
Contains 27 lessons (27 art sheets) in an 8.5"x11" pad.
Each lesson has a "materials needed" list. Look ahead and buy these
materials before class. We strongly recommend that you, the teacher,
either do the lesson before hand to present an example, or do one with
the student as he works, to show him how. You will need an extra Artpac
to do this, but it is well worth the investment.
Artpac 8 is focused entirely on pen and ink techniques, and includes instruction in the following art skills:
- Silhouettes
- Using short lines to create a fuzzy effect
- Creating woodgrain with wavy lines
- Shading by varying both the density and frequency of the lines
- Crosshatching
- Stippling
Copyright Notice
This material replaces all former editions. Some of the lessons have
been revised but the basic format remains the same. All material herein
contained, and all material in former editions, is expressly protected
by copyright of Share-A-Care Publications 240 Mohns Hill Rd. Reinholds,
PA 17569. Incidental copying is allowed in limited amounts. For example,
a student blunders and needs another sheet to complete the lesson, you
may make an incidental copy. We recommend that you buy a spare package
so that you are prepared for such an event. All other photocopying or
reproduction in any manner is forbidden. We have invested a lot of time
in developing these lessons to help you. And we thank you for buying
this copy rather than trying to copy it to cut costs. That helps us!
Thank you.