Contains 36 step-by-step art lessons for around grade 6 level. Contains
ready-to-use art sheets, directions, and needed materials list for each
lesson. You will appreciate the simplicity and ease of use in this
well-planned course.
Artpac 6 includes instruction in the following art skills:
- Advanced shading using soft lead color pencils
- Advanced grid drawing
- Accurate enlargements with a grid
- Accurate reductions with a grid
- Letter layout and spacing
- Watercolor painting
- Color mixing and blending
- Perspective drawing
- Drawing faces
- Scherenschnitte (German paper cutting)
- Free hand drawing, beginning with simple shapes and adding detail
Copyright Notice
Share-A-Care Publications have invested a lot of time
in developing these lessons to help you. Thank you for buying
this copy rather than trying to copy it to cut costs. That helps them!