If I like to be bossy,
If I try to get my own way,
If I often seek attention,
I know nothing yet of meekness.
In order to possess meekness, as we ponder the definitions, we must realize that it must be found in knowing Jesus Christ, Who is Meekness. Then we will gain some measure of it for ourselves. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”—Matthew 11:29. Knowing Jesus, Who is meek and lowly in heart, will bring rest unto our souls. What a lovely truth that is! We, who are so full of unrest, will find rest in Him.
Have you ever pondered why and how Jesus, the Son of God, the King of kings, Ruler of the universe, could also be lowly in heart? Do you not think He could be proud of His position? Instead, He is the essence of humility, and beckons us poor sinners to come to Him for rest. We shall learn to be more like Him as we study meekness.
This character booklet contains:
- Scriptures regarding the trait to be learned
- Bible examples of the trait
- How Jesus lived the trait in His earthly life
- Practical lessons on the trait
- Instructions in developing the trait
- Stories centering on the trait
- Poems involving the trait
- Practical applications and more!
- A thirty-day journal to schedule and record one’s progress.
[Softcover, 64-69 pages, 17cm x 20cm]