This fast-paced, award-winning documentary takes an historic look at
the modern protestant church’s public embrace and overwhelming
acceptance of child prevention as the battle for privacy in marriage
waged and the practice of limiting family size took hold. Raising godly
children is no longer marriage’s primary purpose as the global
acceptance of birth control inevitably led to a tragic breakdown in the
values of family and multigenerational family life.
Children are no
longer considered a blessing but rather a burden. Follow the
film’s chronological timeline from Creation to the late 20th-Century and
learn how the reinterpretation of Scripture and rejection of Church
history has allowed child prevention to become acceptable biblical
Featuring captivating interviews with authors, historians, theologians, radio talk show hosts and others, such as Dr. George Grant, Dr. Allan Carlson, Geoffrey Botkin, Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr., Lila Rose, Kevin Swanson, and Julie Roys.
Additional Info:
Now with Français, Italian, and English subtitles!
Deleted & Extended Scenes!
New Product Tours, Trailers & Interviews!
A look at Part 2, BIRTH CONTROL: Is It Up to Us?
Approx Feature Running Length: 56 mins.
Approx Special Features Running Length: 25 mins.
© 2013 - 2014 The Birth Control Movie Project.
All rights reserved. For private home use only. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.