Michael & Debi Pearl
To Train Up a Child, first published in 1994, began as a letter to a
homeschool mother in answer to her question, How did you train your
children to be so happy and obedient? Mike did not consider himself to
be an author, nor did Debi possess the means or the knowledge to publish
a book. They realized that it was a big subject that could not be put
into a few pages, so they wrote a book. Friends and neighbors were
consulted, gleaning their views and methods of child training. They
analyzed how they were influenced by the traditions they inherited from
their parents, and they looked at the methods that were unique to their
family. Twenty one years later, To Train Up a Child has sold over 1.2
million copies in twelve languages. TTUAC has been on Amazon s
best-seller list several times. This new book has added chapters and
several updates.
Mike and Debi have received tens of thousands of
letters of gratitude and been approached by thousands of young people
thanking them for their influence in the way they were raised their
parents having implemented the principles expressed in TTUAC. There has
been no editing to modify their stance on spanking. To the contrary, due
to the media attacks, they have expanded and strengthened their
arguments for traditional, biblical child training."
This book is not about discipline,
nor problem children. The emphasis is on the training of a child before
the need to discipline arises. It is apparent that, though they expect
obedience, most parents never attempt to train their child to obey. They
wait until the child's behavior becomes unbearable and then explode.
With proper training, discipline can be reduced to 5% of what many now
As you come to understand the difference between
training and discipline, you will have a renewed vision for your
family—no more raised voices, no contention, no bad attitudes, fewer
spankings, a cheerful atmosphere in the home, and total obedience from
your children who will become your allies rather than adversaries. The
stress will be gone and your obedient children will praise you and bring
joy and peace into your home. Thousands have testified to the amazing
results of these profoundly simple techniques.
[Softcover, 232 pages, 14cm x 21.5cm]