Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin
Ever been confused about friendships with boys? How to handle crushes?
How friendly is too friendly? How close is too close? What to do when a
guy is being way too friendly? What guys think about all this? What it
means to be a “sister, in all purity”? Guy-girl relationships have
always been complicated, but perhaps never more so than today. It’s (Not That) Complicated
is a humorous, hopeful, and deeply thought-provoking new look at
guy-girl relationships in our times. Dealing practically with such
complications as online interaction, Hollywood expectations, undefined
relationships, and unrequited love, the Botkin sisters offer enduring
biblical principles that can make it all much simpler.
[Softcover, 259 pages]
“How do young men and young women interact with one another when
marriage is not in view? Can young men and young women be ‘friends’? And
how does a young woman guard her heart, preserve her purity, and walk
in integrity without treating young men with disdain? In It’s (Not That) Complicated, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin address these and other questions with wisdom, grace, transparency, and biblical acuity.”
— Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.
(Author, What He Must Be,
Family Shepherds,
The Ever-Loving Truth)