Write Upon My Heart: Diligence Character Book


If I must be reminded to do my jobs,
If I can leave them unfinished, or do them sloppily,
If my performance cannot be counted upon,
I know nothing yet of diligence.

A diligent person is someone who accomplishes promptly and properly each opportunity or task that presents itself. Whatever it takes to do a job or finish a task well—that is what a diligent person will do. He works hard. He pays attention to all the details. He always does the job completely and properly. He is never slack or lazy. It can always be depended upon that his responsibilities have been cared for in a timely fashion.

We all like to have diligent people surround us because diligent people make this a better world in which to live. We are glad when Dad is diligent about going to work and providing a good home for us. We are delighted when Mom is diligent about making good meals and keeping our home nice for us. Diligence is what keeps many things in our lives going smoothly.

Diligence is a trait to be sought. The diligent person generally prospers. He who is not, generally does not. Proverbs 21:5 says, “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.” Who doesn’t like plenteousness? Who doesn’t like to do well? Who wouldn’t like to be known as someone upon whom others can depend? Are you a diligent person? Can others, especially Dad and Mum, depend upon you?

If you are not diligent, consider what that means. Are you someone who cannot be trusted? Are you lazy? Are you often unhappy about what you are missing, only because you were not diligent? Your life does not have to be in such a state. You can be diligent!

Diligence is an essential trait for a Christian to possess, especially regarding things pertaining to God. In fact, the Bible teaches us to “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” —Proverbs 4:23. We pray that you will be diligent about making this trait a part of your life.

This character booklet contains:
  • Scriptures regarding the trait to be learned
  • Bible examples of the trait
  • How Jesus lived the trait in His earthly life
  • Practical lessons on the trait
  • Instructions in developing the trait
  • Stories centering on the trait
  • Poems involving the trait
  • Practical applications and more!
  • Plus a thirty-day journal to schedule and record one’s progress
[Softcover, 66 pages, 17cm x 20cm]

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