Write Upon My Heart: Compassion Character Book


If I am hard-hearted and insensitive,
If I see others hurting and look the other way,
If I care more about my own wants than the needs of others,
I know nothing yet of compassion.

We like very much for people to show compassion to us. When we are hurting, we would like to be comforted. When we need help, we long for people to help us. When we are discouraged, we feel better when someone encourages us. However, should we always be on the receiving end of compassion? And should any Christian lack compassion?

A compassionate person is always ready to offer help and encouragement for the difficulties of others. The opposite of compassion—seen in a person who always seeks help and encouragement—is actually selfishness. We really have either one or the other. The difference between the two can be found in Philippians 2:3-4 which says, “. . . let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” That is what learning compassion is all about, learning to look on the difficulties of others rather than simply caring about our own things.

God displayed His compassion by loving us. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” —Romans 5:8. Lastly, Jesus lived His life compassionately for us, and then died out of compassion for us. Is there not room to add some compassion to our lives?

This character booklet contains:
  • Scriptures regarding the trait to be learned
  • Bible examples of the trait
  • How Jesus lived the trait in His earthly life
  • Practical lessons on the trait
  • Instructions in developing the trait
  • Stories centering on the trait
  • Poems involving the trait
  • Practical applications and more!
  • Plus a thirty-day journal to schedule and record one’s progress
[Softcover, 68 pages, 17cm x 20cm]

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