In Practical Christianity, Lessons for Young People, you will find that all the lessons pertain to a young person’s daily walk. It contains twenty lessons to teach children. After all, Jesus brought us eternal life that we might live it. He talked and walked without sin; He obeyed God in all things, and His love was perfect toward God and man. He came as a servant and lived a perfect life. The apostle Peter, in his epistle, admonished us to walk in His steps. "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." —1 Peter 2:21.
These lessons are designed to help Christian young people follow the Lord's example in all that they think, speak, or do. In each lesson there are one or more Scriptures, a short story followed by pertinent questions to make a practical application, and a conclusion to help point them to a more Christlike life in their own lives. We pray that these lessons will encourage them to ever follow the Lord more closely.
[Softcover, 90 pages]