Pam Forster A ROAD TO FINANCIAL FAITHFULNESSThis is a fun way to teach simple, biblical, practical money management to your children.
Our children can learn how to be good "employees" with "Service Opportunities." With "Stewardship Street," they can learn to be faithful stewards of their earnings.
Earnings are divided into 7 categories--living expenses (for clothes, etc.), alms/charity, short-term savings, tithe, spending, long-term savings, and dowry. Each child has a "street" of milk carton savings "houses" and "stores" into which he deposits his earnings (or you may choose to use envelopes with the pictures pasted on the outside instead, to save space).
This book includes:
- An explanation of each of the budget categories
- Memory verses that explain God’s plan for our money, and how to make a colorful visual that will help motivate children as they memorize
- Patterns and instructions for making milk carton houses and stores for savings
- Record-keeping form for calculating percentages of earnings for each budget category.
This is practical, Biblical economics for children (and adults). You'll see wonderful results in your family! (It’s a real boost to math skills, too!)
[Softcover, 19 pages, 21cm x 28cm]