Tim Kennedy
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." Psalm 37:23
Seventh graders are growing up and beginning to face bigger decisions. Through the
lives of story characters, students see how choices affect our lives, as they read of others whose choices, good and bad, affected
their lives.
Selections center around five themes: Deciphering Nature’s Parables,
Path of the Pioneer, Living for Others, Storing Up Treasures, Stooping
Gracefully. Illustrated with colorful paintings.
These readers were some of the BEST SELLING items
in our bookstore when we used to stock them back in the early 2000's.
You'll only need to browse through one to know why. These Reading to
Learn readers are filled with wholesome stories that the whole family
will enjoy. In our house when our children were growing up, there was
always someone in the family reading one of these - from the youngest
child to the oldest parent! Attractively bound with a hard cover, these
readers will captivate your child's interest and improve his general
knowledge, while simultaneously reinforcing solid values such as
honesty, purity, responsibility, courtesty, godliness, cheerfulness,
diligence, respect, forgiveness, etc.
[Hardcover, 265 pages]